Challenging boundaries.

Dots Coffee is the world’s first shop operated entirely by persons with visual impairment. We demonstrate that no individual should be defined by their perceived limitations. 

Our baristas display their abilities by taking up a customer-facing role in a fast-paced retail environment. Thereby they seamlessly integrate the formal economy and widen their professional opportunities. And by leveraging their non-visual senses, Dots Coffee delivers an authentic and delicious coffee shop experience.

A female Dots Coffee barista smiling while operating an espresso machine.
A male Dots Coffee barista pouring roasted coffee beans into a grinder
A female Dots Coffee barista smiling while serving an iced beverage in a branded Dots Coffee cup
An orange circle reminiscent of the Dots Coffee logo and the brand's distinctive symbol and pattern

Developed by the creators of DID - Dine in the Dark, concept restaurants employing persons with visual impairment in its services team, Dots Coffee was first launched in Bangkok in 2019. Dots Coffee has since evolved into an ambitious chain of coffee shops, training and hiring a growing number of baristas while continuing to open new branches across Thailand.

Get in touch with us.