Transforming society.
Despite the obstacles they face, persons with visual impairment lead active and independent lives. Many demonstrate an eagerness to be self-reliant and to take care of their families. However, because of a misunderstanding of their abilities and potential, they still find a lack of professional opportunities available to them, both in volume and variety.
Persons with visual impairment therefore largely vie for only a handful of openings, most of which have limited long-term growth potential. Many of those who are employed are confined to roles that may not be appropriate for their abilities. As a result, a significant segment of the population is being cast aside rather than contributing to the economy and society.
How we achieve impact
Dots Coffee challenges the misperceptions of persons with visual impairment and presumptions regarding their limitations.
By working with us as baristas, their talents and abilities can be widely appreciated. We recognize the unique learning style of persons with visual impairment and utilize their input to develop a comprehensive training program suited to their needs. And our rigorous operational systems ensure that they can work efficiently in a fast-paced environment.
In every Dots Coffee shop, our baristas demonstrate their capacity to work in a demanding customer-facing setting while proving that they can play critical roles in a successful for-profit business. In doing so, we hope that other employers will be inspired to hire visually impaired persons for their teams as well.
Professional opportunities
With every Dots Coffee shop, we provide an occupation, regular income, and professional development opportunities to an entire team of persons with visual impairment.
Our baristas challenge their own boundaries constantly, thus fostering a greater sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and control over their future.
Dots Coffee provides a new way for the public to embrace social causes. We normalize social inclusion by making it a seamless part of people’s regular consumption habits.